Inside PreScript L3 NFL Combine Prep: My Week

Inside PreScript L3 NFL Combine Prep: My Week

When you return from a trip like the one I just took, everyone wants the full breakdown on how it all went...


When you return from a trip like the one I just took, everyone wants the full breakdown on how it all went. As impactful as the week was, I felt as though I had no answers. So I, wrote. This is from my journal- enjoy.

In some ways, it felt surreal working alongside coaches I have admired for years with athletes that will go on to be worth millions of dollars and accomplish incredible feats. Simultaneously, it was just another day at work- reps and sets and running around like a crazy person. It was relationship building and client navigation. It was coaching.

This week was important for reasons other than the credentials of the athletes, facility, and coaches. It was important because I was able to observe myself amongst some of the best in a high pressure environment. And I performed. Could I have done better? Always. But understanding there is room to grow has never been my problem. Self criticism has not once been an issue for me. This week was impactful because it was evidence that I do not have to believe in myself to do well. That I actually do well under pressure. That understanding your client is truly everything. And that maybe I deserve to start believing in myself a little more.

Walking into the week I was almost giddy. I did not really care that these guys are potentially going into the NFL- I didn't even know any of their names (until I studied up on them...that's right- I do my homework). The excitement came from House of Athlete being a new environment to work and learn amongst people I respected.

The whole event felt serious because it's always serious. Gen pop mom of four or NFL athlete- does not matter. At the end of the day they both require and deserve time, attention, and effort on my end.

The biggest challenge at the beginning for me was settling my ego...surprise surprise. Being in a room full of intelligent coaches all equally as competitive as me lead to an unspoken tension and desire to prove oneself. But by day two, I realized I have nothing to prove. And none of it is about me. And I should get my head out of my ass- oh wait you guys are still here. I'll tone it down. Back to the recap.

Each athlete came with his own set of obstacles- physically, psychologically, emotionally. Multiply that by 30 and you have the team. Then add in a crazy, constantly shifting schedule and you have the summary of how the week was structured. Field time, program building, athlete updates, warmup session, workout, PT, lecture, summary, repeat. Everything moved quickly and yet I saw so much in what felt like slow motion. It was my strength. I enjoyed the chaos of all of it, even the chaos that I contributed in my own mistakes. But I took everything in and observed as much as I could- dynamics between athletes, coaches, assistants. I saw when people cracked, when they were in flow, when they were uncomfortable. I saw when people were pretending or lying. I felt myself observing myself, too.

So, while this week was an amazing opportunity to work with the best on the best, that was hardly what I took away from the experience. This week was understanding that good coaching is good coaching- no matter where you are or who you are training. Confidence takes you far. Humility takes you farther. Learning happens everywhere, but it is expedited and enhanced with experiences like this. Listening makes your words matter more. People are easy to read if you pay close enough attention, and always remember that the client you are studying is simply another person, so treat them accordingly.

What a week. I am forever grateful to the clients and coaches that trust and believe in me, even when I have failed to generate any belief in myself. My purpose in this life has nothing to do with me, and this week fulfilled that purpose generously.

Marshall Media

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